Our teams loved the Business Value Game! Our goal was to bring together the IT and finance departments who aren’t customer-facing day-to-day. The Game helped people understand how important are our customers, knowing their expectations and meeting them. The Game was interactive, even the shiest people took an active part and enjoyed the teamwork and getting to know each other.
Kristina PenuCFO @Tele2
Anna-Liisa aitas mul välja tulla nö tuletõrjujarežiimist ja hakata mõtlema suurele pildile igapäevaste tootetoimingute taga. Ta on aidanud mul arendada minu tugevaid külgi ja julgustanud mind oma mugavustsoonist välja tulema, et saaksin parendada oma nõrku külgi.
Nikita TikhomirovTootejuht @ Werk
Anna-Liisa has a tool for everything! No matter if you are practicing traditional or modern product management. She knows how to assess, evaluate, measure, or collect data and is ready to share her knowledge.
Anna-Liisa taught me that it is important to develop your personal skills for the best results, but it is equally important to create or ask for a safe environment that allows you to grow and work.
Iris TomingasSenior Product Manager, Platform & Self-Service @INZMO
The Business Value Game was a great opportunity to gauge my own strategic thinking abilities - and its shortcomings - as well as learn from others. It was also incredibly entertaining. It felt like a board game where you need to know 90% of the rules upfront - and if you have any product skills, you know them. Don’t forget to invite your business stakeholders to play. There’s no better way to help them understand what building a product means from the inside.
Hanna-Mari KirsProduct Lead @Conundrum
Külalis-tootedirektorina lõi Anna-Liisa struktuuri, strateegia ja selge fookuse. See on aidanud meil nii äritulemusi parandada, kui üldiselt kogu ettevõttes läbipaistvust luua. Meie tootevisioon muutus palju selgemaks.
Richard VähiToote analüütik @ Werk
Anna-Liisa has helped us to create the backbone of a functioning product team. With that in place we were able to work more efficient and focus on our product vision.
Marko ZechlinHead of Underwriting @INZMO